ESG Updates

COP 26 -Day 5

John Kerry promises $100bn will be available next year
John Kerry, the United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate announced that the $100 billion previously promised by developing countries initially for 2020 would arrive in 2022. Kerry also stated that another $8 billion in private-sector money would be unlocked beginning with Japan’s pledge to provide $2 billion in aid annually. Finally, despite the pressure remaining on developed countries’ funding, developing countries will contribute a total of $97 billion in 2022 and $106 billion in 2023 towards financing the fight against climate change.

“That means for 2022 we now have the full $100bn we wanted to have, and $100bn going forward, so we take that issue off the table and that changes the dynamics,” Kerry announced.

Youth March
On the 5th day of COP26, designated ‘Youth and Public Empowerment Day’, Glasgow streets witnessed thousands of protesters marching to safeguard the future and save humanity. Families, children, teachers, and students allying together to ensure and propel effective change to save the planet from the threat of rising temperatures.

Greta Thunberg Speech
During COP26 Youth and Public Empowerment Day, Greta Thunberg gives a speech severely critiquing people in power and media on what she believes are feeble efforts to tackle the climate emergency. Thunberg expresses,
“Time and time again, the media fails to hold people in power responsible,”
“The leaders are not doing nothing, they are actively creating loopholes and shaping frameworks to benefit themselves and to continue profiting from this destructive system,”
“[Leaders] have had decades of ‘blah blah blah’ and where has that left us?”
