Professionals Community
Join the Movement …
Connecting & Empowering Sustainability Professionals in Egypt Across all Sectors
DCarbon Egypt is honored to announce the launch of Egypt’s Sustainability Professional Community (ESPC). ESPC gathers all professionals, from different backgrounds who possess the knowledge and seek to create impact across different industries. ESPC members will have access to valuable resources and activities that foster knowledge, networking, collaboration, and capacity- building.
We invite you to join us and take advantage of the opportunity to:
- Newsletter: Receive our monthly newsletter on the latest ESG updates, ESG investment news and newly published sustainability-related reports on national and international levels.
- Virtual Training Sessions: Participate in our free monthly virtual trainings.
- ESG Webinar Series: Join the discussion at our Monthly Webinar Series on ESG trends.
- Expert Roundtable: Engage with the Community at our quarterly physical Expert Roundtable.
- Special Rates: Get complimentary invitations and discounts on trainings and events.
- Exchange of Experience: Share your knowledge and expertise with other members.
- Communication & Dissemination: Communicate your recent ESG projects, success stories, and sustainability report with the Community.
- Marketing: Distribute your corporate material.
- Publicity: Publish articles and posts.
- Job Postings: Create and receive job offers.
- Social Networks: Get access to our social media pages and WhatsApp Social Group of Experts for member-to-member networking.
ESPC contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals:
To become a part of Egypt’s Sustainability Professionals Community,
Kindly provide us with the following information on:; in order to include you as a Sustainability Professional in our Community Database and official webpage:
- A recent photo
- Recent title & Organization name
- Short bio (Max 1 page)
We look forward to welcoming you to Egypt’s Sustainability Professionals Community.
Let’s Connect
Our experts will contact you soon.