
TCI Sanmar Chemicals S.A.E. First Sustainability Report

DCarbon Egypt Congratulates TCI Sanmar Chemicals S.A.E. for Publishing its First Sustainability Report.

DCarbon team, Leading the process of Sustainable Transition in Egypt is thrilled to announce the publication of TCI Sanmar Chemicals S.A.E 1st Sustainability Report at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), in accordance with the GRI Standards.

TCI Sanmar Chemicals S.A.E, journey in Egypt started in 2007. It is the largest Indian investor in Egypt through a 100% owned company, with its state-of-the-art Chemicals manufacturing facilities located at Port Said.

TCI Sanmar’s management team targets continuous improvement of its manufacturing processes to achieve and sustain higher standards of compliance. Together with the measures adopted to meet the societal needs in and around the plant facilities in Port Said, the company continues to work as a true and responsible Corporate Citizen.

Among many projects and initiatives, environmental care is at the core of TCI Sanmar Chemicals operations. TCI Sanmar Chemicals, in line with the national circumstances, proudly reduces its water footprint through a Zero Liquid Discharge unit with a capacity of 8500 m3/day for water treatment and recycle.

TCI Sanmar Chemicals marks its Social footprint by tackling many sustainable development issues, through investing in its human capital and local community and cares for its local community through several CSR activities that serves the community on a continuous basis, details of which are explained throughout the report.

For more information about this report, kindly check the following link:
