
The Women Professionals Summit – 12th March – Nile Ritz Carlton

Dr. Ehab Shalaby -Chairman & CEO of DCarbon Egypt joined the second round of the ‘Women Professionals Summit’ held on 12th March at the Nile Ritz Carlton powered by the Top 50 Women Forum, Under the panel: Pillars of Success & Sustainability discussing efficient participation of Egyptian women at all levels towards achieving SDGs and ESG practices

Our responsibilities towards equipping and providing equal career development opportunities for Egyptian women to seize modern prospects across all industries.

Keynote speakers:
– Dr. Amal Mowafy, Chief of Party, USAID Egyptian Pioneers, and an Adjunct Faculty member at the Economics department- at American University in Cairo
– Dr. Ehab Shalaby, Chairman, DCarbon Egypt
– Dr. Rasha Kenawi, Leadership Corporate Trainer
Session was moderated by Ms. Shrouk Alaa Eldin, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Career 180
