Global Sustain Group, an ESG/Sustainability consultancy and member-driven network and the Chartered Banker Institute (the Institute), the largest professional body for bankers in the UK announce their partnership for training and capacity building in Green and Sustainable Finance.
Global Sustain will actively promote the Green and Sustainable Finance Certificate developed and provided by the Institute to financial market practitioners internationally, as one of the most prominent and credible professional certifications and accreditations in the field of sustainable finance.
Managing climate-related risks and supporting the transition to a low-carbon world are our most significant global challenges. To tackle this collective challenge, finance as well as corporate professionals globally need to develop their knowledge of green and sustainable finance.
The Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance encompasses broader aspects of sustainability, aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and helps individuals develop their understanding of, and apply, green and sustainable finance principles and practice in their roles and within their institutions.
The online Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance is comprised by:
- A Guided self-study supported by a wide range of interactive e-learning units and knowledge checks;
- A 12-unit programme that can be completed in as little as 12 weeks.
Upon completion, learners are entitled to use the designation Green and Sustainable Finance Professional (GSFP).
Chartered Banker Institute (the Institute) will provide Global Sustain access to training material for the latter to enhance its sustainable finance capacity building programmes including content to:
- Develop the learner’s knowledge, understanding and skills relating to green and sustainable finance;
- Provide an overview of, and introduction to, the underpinning science, principles and practice of the field;
- Increase the learner’s knowledge and understanding of the range of green and sustainable products and services in the banking, investment and insurance sectors;
- Increase awareness of the role of the finance sector and finance professionals in supporting the transition to a low-carbon world.
Furthermore, the Institute will provide Global Sustain with electronic marketing collateral to allow for promotion of the Green and Sustainable Finance Certificate to the target audience.
Michael Spanos, Managing Director of Global Sustain Group, and Certified Green and Sustainable Finance Professional by the Chartered Banker Institute stated:
The collaboration with the Chartered Banker Institute advances the quality and credibility of our training and capacity building programmes, attended by hundreds of market practitioners every year. Participants to our training seminars and events will be better prepared and equipped to take the online Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance provided exclusively by the Institute .
Simon Thompson, CEO of the Chartered Banker Institute stated:
The Chartered Banker Institute is happy to partner with Global Sustain Group to further promote the adoption of the Green and Sustainable Finance Certificate. The Institute and Global Sustain partnership will help raise awareness about this prominent professional qualification among bankers, investors, asset managers and corporate sustainability market practitioners.
About the Global Sustain Group
Since 2006, Global Sustain provides a wide range of services and solutions to support its members and clients succeeding triple bottom line results. Based in London, Berlin and Athens, with offices in Brussels, Cairo, London and Nicosia, Global Sustain offers innovative online and off-line services related to sustainability, corporate responsibility, responsible investing, green economy, business ethics and excellence, transparency, human rights and accountability. Its members include corporations, non-governmental and non-profit organisations, municipalities and local authorities, academic institutions, media, professional bodies, service providers, chambers, think tanks and other public or private entities.
Global Sustain Group has a project portfolio on Sustainable Finance, ESG Investing, Integration, Research, Modelling, Sustainability Compliance with regulatory requirements and performance requirements of International Financial Institutions, ESMS System Integration, Sustainability Reporting, Sustainability Strategy & Capacity Building, serving and supporting asset managers, asset owners, banks, businesses and development organisations. Global Sustain cooperates and is a member of international organizations such as UN Global Compact, UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Social Value International, Institute of Directors (IOD), Chartered Banker Institute, CEO Clubs, and TCFD. |
About the Chartered Banker Institute
“The Chartered Banker Institute (“the Institute”) is the oldest professional banking institute in the world. The Institute was founded in 1875, operates in all UK nations, and has a significant and growing international presence. The Institute has driven an agenda of ethical professionalism throughout its existence; promoting professional standards for bankers, providing professional qualifications for retail, commercial and private bankers in the UK and overseas, and offering professional membership to qualified individuals. The Institute currently has around 30,000 members in over 100 different countries and nearly 1,000 financial institutions worldwide.
The Institute also continues to lead the development of green and sustainable finance education and training for bankers across the globe. In 2018, we launched the Green Finance Certificate, the world’s first benchmark qualification for green finance, now available through a network of partners in 35 countries. In 2019, we relaunched our foundation banking certificate, the Professional Banker Certificate, incorporating the UN Principles for Responsible Banking. A wide range of CPD materials are available to our members on green and sustainable finance and responsible banking, and we host regular events on these topics for our members and others.”
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Date: 18.02.2021